Oct. 17, 2013 - Oct. 20, 2013: Napa (APC) - San Felipe, Mexico (MMSF)
This is our second trip to San Felipe, Mexico as part of the
Flying Samaritans.
Weather was beautiful for VFR flight through out the trip.
There were slight changes on this trip compared to the previous one ---
outbound, we made fuel stops at Bakersfield Muni (L45) instead of Delano (DLO),
and in Imperial County (IPL) instead of Calexico; in the return flight,
instead of going through Banning Pass, we went around Big Bear at the
recommendation from another pilot --- I found this route smooth and no traffic.
This was indeed a successful and blessed flight --- air was smooth, sky was perfect VFR,
the Cessna flew incident free, and we were able to help better the condition to some people
by providing them with better vision.
Oct. 17, 2013 - We had a late start for our outbound flight, so we decided to stay overnight
in Bakersfield. We stayed in Padre Hotel in downtown Bakersfield where a shuttle
picked us up from the airport, and drove us back the following day.
Oct. 18, 2013 - We wanted to start early this time. We headed to the airport
around 6:00 am. Here's Susan taking a quick breakfast at the Bakersfield Muni
airport ramp while I preflight the Cessna. The sun hasn't risen yet at this time;
we can hear the roosters crowing reminding us that we're still in Bakersfield,
and the sun's about to come out.
This is Imperial County airport (IPL) where we made our last fuel stop before crossing to Mexico.
I found IPL a better fuel stop than Calexico --- it has crosswind runways,
better condition runways and taxiways, better condition facilities, and
cheaper SS Avgas.
Here's flying over the US-Mexico border. At the upper center of the picture is the Calexico airport.
Turning base to final for landing in San Felipe runway 31.
And as expected, the Federales were the first to greet you after landing.
And they quickly retreat to the shade after checking my pilot's license, copy the info from the aircraft nameplate
and did a quick cursory look inside the Cessna. The planes shown here were all part of the Flying Samaritans
ranging from a Malibu, TBM, twin Cessna, some Cessna 210's and my Cessna C172.
The group stayed at Las Palmas Hotel this time. Not quite beach front as El Cortez Hotel where
we stayed in our previous trip. But it's cheaper (approx. $43/night), rooms were slightly roomier
and better condition, and great, personalized customer services from the son's owner.
Oct. 19, 2013 - The San Felipe sunrise. I never get tired of this sight.
Ready to go to work. There were two medical clinics this time. One for ENT surgeries and the eye clinic.
We were assigned to help out in the eye clinic.
People were already lining up early even before the door opened for the eye clinic.
We saw more than 200+ patients at the eye clinic.
Susan performing the eye screening test.
And I, working with other volunteers, helped guide patients to different testing stations.
Not able to speak Spanish had some challenges but we were able to get the job done somehow.
After going through all the screenings and tests, they can finally get their free presciption glasses.
Oct. 20, 2013 - Back at San Felipe airport heading home.
At Bakersfield Muni airport for our last fuel stop before heading back to Napa.