Alex's Flying Trips

Sept. 5, 2015: Napa (APC) - Madera (MAE) - Santa Rosa (STS)

Susan trying to calm a frighten rescued mix lab before his flight to his new home.

Susan and I responded to a request from Pilots-N-Paws for volunteer pilots to help transport rescued dogs from Madera shelter to their new foster and shelter homes around the bay area; otherwise, some were scheduled to be "put down". We were to transport our rescued dogs from Madera to Santa Rosa.

With clear VFR weather, Susan and I headed to Madera at 5,500' to help transport rescued dogs to various shelters in the Bay Area.
Entered Madera pattern at left traffic runway 40; somewhat limited parking spaces with tie downs in the parking area.
This was my first time landing at Madera. The runways, taxiways and the ramp were in good condition.
Madera is a non-towered airport and was quite busy during our visit with several planes taking off and landing. Per Airnav, there are 2 FBOs with self-serve fuel onsite but we didn't use them. There fuel prices were surprisingly higher than those in some bay area airports.
The terminal building is also well maintained and clean. This is the lounge area inside the terminal building; good place to cool off before taking the next leg.
Towards the restrooms; also clean and well maintained.
Community bulletin boards inside the terminal building.
Benches outside the terminal building shaded by trees and overlooking the ramp.
The other side of the airport terminal with plenty of vehicle parking and well groomed landscaping.
Getting ready to transport our rescued dogs.
There were 2 other aircrafts that took part of this rescue. One was heading to San Carlos, and another going to San Jose Reid Hillview.
Some of the pilots and other volunteers.
We're told that some of these dogs, like this frightened mix lab, were about to be euthenized if they're not rescued. We end up rescuing 3 dogs.
The receiving party in Santa Rosa and the helpful line crew from Sonoma Jet Center FBO.
It was a bit bumpy during our descend to Santa Rosa that one of the dogs got "sick"; otherwise, they were very quit during the flight.
We parked at Sonoma Jet Center; no tie downs but the line crew readily choked the wheels once the prop stopped spinning.
Late lunch at the Sky Lounge Restaurant inside the Santa Rosa terminal.