Alex's Flying Trips

Flying Samaritan San Felipe 2017

Interesting land formation along flight path to San Felipe.

Oct. 20, 2017: Flying Samaritan San Felipe Trip with the Danny and Trini

In this year's Flying Samaritan trip to San Felipe, we brought along additional volunteers --- Danny and Trini. Trini, being a registered nurse, can help at the medical clinic, and Danny can help us at the eye clinic.

This will be the first time for both of them to fly in a general aviation aircraft. So, before the actual San Felipe cross country flight, I gave them an introductory flight around the bay area. After passing the intro flight with flying colors, we flew with them to San Felipe to volunteer for the Flying Samaritan clinics.

For this trip, we took the Cessna. Good thing it has the 180 HP conversion engine. After rechecking the W&B calculation, it's good to go for 4 passengers with light cargo and full fuel.

Trini, with Susan, in our intro flight around the bay area.
Danny checking out the view during our intro flight.
Flying over some developments in San Felipe.
Assisting at the eye clinic.
Winding down after some hard work at the clinics.
It also happened that there's a motorcycle festival at the San Felipe malecon.
The obligatory picture taking at the San Felipe International Airport ramp before takeoff for the return flight.
Awesome trip; got to introduce friends to the benefits of general aviation flying; at the same time able to do some good volunteer work.